Hoy os presentamos a uno de los coworkers de la comunidad de Garage coworking. Luuk van Meijel es especialista en posicionamiento web en la agencia holandesa de marketing digital Offbeat Marketing, que dirige junto a su socia Hanneke Jadach. Como dato, la agencia ha aumentado las ventas durante los meses de confinamiento en Europa. Además, llevan también la plataforma de aprendizaje de marketing digital Online Marketing Zelf Doen. Hemos estado hablando con Luuk sobre los proyectos de marketing digital y sobre su aterrizaje en Valencia, hace ya más de un año. Aquí os dejamos la entrevista.
Why do you think that your digital marketing agency has grown recently?
Business are aware that they need to be visible online. Online visibility is always necessary and, in bad times, visibility is even more important.
The users of your digital marketing learning platform have also increased. How did you come up with the idea of creating the learning platform?
We are often being asked about digital marketing by people who start their business and they want to do digital marketing themselves. Our friends and family used to ask about digital marketing and we recorded podcasts and tutorials for them. That’s how we started. At some point we decided to collect all our materials and upload them in an online platform.
The agency and the learning platform are addressed to Dutch clients and users. How it comes you have settled in Valencia?
My work lets me live anywhere. 5 years ago I visited Valencia with my parents and my sisters and I decided that I wanted to live here. A few years later I started a relationship with my partner and I came to visit Valencia with her. I wanted to show her where I wanted to live. Within 20 seconds she said “yeah, that’s gonna be fine”.
So it was a first-sight love with Valencia… Why?
It’s like Utrecht in the Netherlands. It’s not the biggest city but it is still big. Barcelona would be too busy for me and Valencia has perfect size for me.
You arrived in Valencia In January 2019 and only two weeks later you arrived in Garage coworking. Why did you choose the Garage?
I was looking for a fixed-desk and I wanted it to be in an informal space but not that informal. Here it felt like an office. It has the balanced between work and people.
What’s the advantage of Garage coworking you like the best?
Community, people. The majority of my friends in Spain are from the coworking. They were the first people I met when I arrived in Valencia and the first people we went to drink beer with. I’m also very thankful to Pedro and Pablo [the managers]. They contribute to create community by making things easy.
Our last question. Let us know you personally a bit more… Name one TV show you binged during the lockdown.
Het Familiediner. And Kalifaat.
Por cierto, la sonrisa le viene de serie.
Dank u, Luuk.
¡Ven y conócenos!
Si quieres saber más sobre por qué, aquí te dejamos algunos tips a tener en cuenta
Los servicios gratuitos que ofrecemos son amplios:
- Puesto fijo 24/7 no rotativo con el que tendrás tu propia llave con el fin de que puedas trabajar en él hasta un domingo a 21:00
- Zonas de cafetería con todo equipado para que no tengas que salir del coworking (microondas, cafetera, nevera, despensa..etc.)
- Mesas kilométricas (2x1m). Todas las mesas del coworking están pensadas para que tu comodidad sea la prioridad
- Sala de reuniones Un espacio diseñado para ofrecer la máxima comodidad para recibir a clientes y generar impresión positiva, que sabemos que a veces son determinantes
- Estanterías y Armarios en los que podrás guardar todo lo que necesites. Preocúpate solo de dejar algo de hueco para el que venga
- Zona relax para que puedas darte un break del trabajo en la terraza de nuestro ático creativo
- Terraza Chillout. Donde se celebran nuestros afterwork (Cuando la época lo permita)así quue, úsala para tomarte un respiro, una cerveza, almorzar o incluso para recibir a tus clientes en un sitio algo más informal.
- Aire acondicionado y calefacción. Para los más frioleros y los más calurosos.
- Recepción de paquetería y correos. Si necesitas que envíen correos o paquetes , nosotros nos encargamos por ti.
Si resulta que te hemos convencido, escríbenos por whatsapp, mándanos un correo o visita la web: https://coworking-valencia.com/
Come and meet us!
If you want to know more about why, here are some tips to keep in mind
The free services we offer are extensive:
Fixed 24/7 non-rotating position with which you will have your own key so that you can work in it until a Sunday at 9:00 p.m.
Cafeteria areas with everything equipped so you don’t have to leave the coworking (microwave, coffee maker, fridge, pantry…etc.)
Kilometric tables (2x1m) All the coworking tables are designed so that your comfort is the priority
Meeting room A space designed to offer maximum comfort to receive clients and generate a positive impression, which we know is sometimes decisive Shelves and Cabinets where you can store everything you need. Just worry about leaving some space for whoever comes
Relaxation area so you can take a break from work on the terrace of our creative penthouse
Chill out terrace Where our afterworks are held (when the season permits) so use it to take a break, have a beer, have lunch or even to receive your clients in a more informal place.
Air conditioning and heating For the coldest and the hottest.
Parcel and mail reception If you need them to send mail or packages, we will take care of it for you.
If it turns out that we have convinced you, write us by WhatsApp, send us an email or visit the web: Garage Coworking