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Do you work in the “El Carmen” neighbourhood in Valencia and don’t know what to do in your free time? Today we suggest you some places that are worth a visit in those hours of rest.

Mayan Coffes


If you are a lover of good coffee, you can’t miss Mayan Coffes, located in El Carmen, in the Quart towers. A coffee shop with a very cosy atmosphere and above all with a great variety of coffee from different countries. A great option if you are looking for breakfast or a mid-morning coffee.

El trocito del medio


On one side of the central market is this wonderful bar, El trocito del medio, which won the “Cacau d’Or” in 2016. Although the place is small and very crowded, it is worth trying its speciality, the roast pork loin sandwich with aioli. So, if you are one of those who need a mid-morning energy boost, you can’t miss this place.

La Taverna D’Enric


If you are looking for a safe bet when it comes to eating at a reasonable price in the Carmen neighbourhood, La Taverna D’Enric is the place to go. It has a wide variety of raciones and a menu that won’t leave you indifferent. Authentic and traditional Valencian/Spanish food.

Tasca el botijo


Are you one of those people who stop for a beer after work before going home? Then you must visit the tasca el botijo, a bar located in front of the police station, with a large terrace where you can have a good beer with a tapa included. Legend has it that their tomato is a real delicacy.

Taquería sol azteca


This Mexican restaurant will make you feel as if you were in Mexico. An excellent place to try traditional food for dinner after work.

Their prices are not excessively high so you can enjoy traditional Mexican flavours at a good price and with a personalised service in which they will guide you through their gastronomy so that you can choose the dish that best suits your tastes.



Are you one of those who eats at work? Then you should try Infraganti, a family business of Italian origin that will prepare a takeaway dish that will melt your senses. Their specialities include pizzas with 100% natural dough and traditional pastas, but with innovative touches. A place where you have a pending visit.


These are some of the places that we personally love and that are worth trying at least once in a lifetime. Let’s hope it helps. And remember, if you have visited any of the places we have published or if you know of one that is worth trying, let us know and we will try it. We are always open to try new places. If you are looking for bars where you can have lunch, take a look at our post: Bars for lunch in el carmen.

¡Ven y conócenos!


Si quieres saber más sobre por qué, aquí te dejamos algunos tips a tener en cuenta
Los servicios gratuitos que ofrecemos son amplios: 

  • Puesto fijo 24/7 no rotativo con el que tendrás tu propia llave con el fin de que puedas trabajar en él hasta un domingo a 21:00
  • Zonas de cafetería con todo equipado para que no tengas que salir del coworking (microondas, cafetera, nevera, despensa..etc.)
  • Mesas kilométricas (2x1m). Todas las mesas del coworking están pensadas para que tu comodidad sea la prioridad
  • Sala de reuniones  Un espacio diseñado para ofrecer la máxima comodidad para recibir a clientes y generar impresión positiva, que sabemos que a veces son determinantes
  • Estanterías y Armarios en los que podrás guardar todo lo que necesites. Preocúpate solo de dejar algo de hueco para el que venga
  • Zona relax para que puedas darte un break del trabajo en la terraza de nuestro ático creativo
  • Terraza Chillout. Donde se celebran nuestros afterwork (Cuando la época lo permita)así quue, úsala para tomarte un respiro, una cerveza, almorzar o incluso para recibir a tus clientes en un sitio algo más informal.
  • Aire acondicionado y calefacción. Para los más frioleros y los más calurosos.
  • Recepción de paquetería y correos. Si necesitas que envíen correos o paquetes , nosotros nos encargamos por ti.

Si resulta que te hemos convencido, escríbenos por whatsapp, mándanos un correo  o visita la web:

Come and meet us!


If you want to know more about why, here are some tips to keep in mind
The free services we offer are extensive:

Fixed 24/7 non-rotating position with which you will have your own key so that you can work in it until a Sunday at 9:00 p.m.
Cafeteria areas with everything equipped so you don’t have to leave the coworking (microwave, coffee maker, fridge, pantry…etc.)
Kilometric tables (2x1m) All the coworking tables are designed so that your comfort is the priority
Meeting room A space designed to offer maximum comfort to receive clients and generate a positive impression, which we know is sometimes decisive Shelves and Cabinets where you can store everything you need. Just worry about leaving some space for whoever comes
Relaxation area so you can take a break from work on the terrace of our creative penthouse
Chill out terrace Where our afterworks are held (when the season permits) so use it to take a break, have a beer, have lunch or even to receive your clients in a more informal place.
Air conditioning and heating For the coldest and the hottest.
Parcel and mail reception If you need them to send mail or packages, we will take care of it for you.

If it turns out that we have convinced you, write us by WhatsApp, send us an email or visit the web: Garage Coworking